Reporting from Archived DeltaV™ Data
In 2022, a pharmaceutical manufacturer needed a strategy to seamlessly report on active and archived DeltaV™ data.
The Challenge
Archiving the DeltaV Batch Historian along with alarm and event data is a common and recommended practice. For one pharmaceutical manufacturer that archives DeltaV on a three month basis, generating batch reports for batches that ended in the previous quarter was challenging. There were difficulties and inefficiencies associated with the activity required to access the archived databases, since it involved action by only a few administrative personnel. The manufacturer wanted to be able to quickly and efficiently report on alarms and events within their batch report irrespective of the archive location, which prompted them to search for an alternative solution.
The Solution
Informetric provided a solution that enables InfoBatch® to walk the archive databases. By using the context of the batch, InfoBatch determines which archive databases may contain data. With this strategy, InfoBatch can efficiently query the correct databases. Reporting against the DeltaV archives became an automatic feature of existing InfoBatch reports, requiring no user input. As the site continues to archive data, no configuration or administrative actions will be required for the InfoBatch system.
At the conclusion of the project, the pharmaceutical manufacturer significantly streamlined its reporting process. With Informetric’s help, the site eliminated a time-consuming manual process requiring specific personnel and replaced it with a seamless, automatic solution. No additional manual input or maintenance is needed.
If you are curious about improving your approach to reporting against archived data, contact sales@informetric.com for more information.